Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Some weight loss goals I’d like to accomplish

279 This is my highest weight to date! Not something I'd like to accomplish, But rather something I wish I hadn't!   Date: 25. October 2010
262  This was my highest weight pregnant with our fourth child. 2007
251 This was my highest weight pregnant with third child. 2005
211 This is what I weighed between my first and second pregnancies
196 I remember this being a goal after second. 2002
179 - 100 lbs down. Will I get there? And will I stop there? 

Food and Beverages
 3 cups total Coffee with creamer
1 serving Oatmeal with bran and sweetener
1 light cereal bar
1 dill pickles
¾ cups chicken, tomato salad (no mayo) on 2 slices of toast
6 whole wheat crackers with
3 slices of ham
1 orange

11 glasses

40 minute walk

30 Crunches
30 Reverse Crunches
30 Bicycle Crunches
30 Pelvic lifts
30 half Push ups
30 Tricep Kickbacks
30 Hammer Curls
30 Variation of hammer curls


1 comment:

  1. Awesome food and exercise!
    Is that all you ate in the day???
    I love the goals!!!
