Thursday, November 18, 2010

Learning from others!

I've decided that one of the things I'm going to do, this time around, is read about other people's  weight loss journey's (and their success!) And I want to LEARN from them. I do that while reading blogs and books
I had heard about Chantel Hobbs on Focus on the Family about a year and a half ago. Though it's pretty difficult to get English books here, I was able to order her book "Never say Diet". One thing that popped out at me today was this:
     "Don't depend on a diet program to change you. You are the only one who can make the necessary decisions and then follow through to change your life."

1. Make decision --check
2. Follow through -- in the process
3 Change life -- in the process

I've been weighing myself every second day or so, and I've been  not so happy with the results this past week and a half! BUT... I know I am eating healthier, I'm not snacking between meals, I've pretty much cut out the unhealthy junk food, and I am exercising.
I can't not be losing!
I'm not checking the scale til weigh in day!
I promise!


Food and Beverages
2 Coffee with creamer (throughout the day)
1 serving Oatmeal with bran and sweetener, 1 Tbsp sliced almonds
1 orange
1 ½  cup natural popcorn
2 cups cucumber and tomato salad with 2 Tbsp (light) oil-vinegar dressing
1 slice roast beef
12 whole almonds
25 raisins
½ cucumber
½ tomato
1 Tbsp light ranch
1 Whole wheat roll with ½ Tbsp mayo, 1 slice of Ham, 1 slice cheese

9 glasses

30 minute  C25K Week 1 Day 3


  1. all you can do is what you can do - your best. The numbers will follow, but ugh, it is so slow sometimes, isn't it? You have a terrific attitude about it though :)

  2. thanks for the follow =). Well, according to Chantel Hobbs I´m screwed... I´m DIET chic. hehehe, no but really I hear you - this is totally true and I´m working on it.

    Maybe it´s my computer but it wouldn´t let me follow you? I´ll def. check back on you.

  3. oops. nvmd there it is. lol
    Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving.
