Monday, June 25, 2012

Summer Sizzle Slimdown Challenge Week 3

Third week down!

Last week: 251.7 lbs
This week: 250.2 lbs (Usually weigh in on Friday, but this is my Wednesday weight)

The tracking has been going well. I made a side challenge with 2 friends that we would track - and stay on track - for at least 10 out of 14 days. (One of the Ladies does not track weekends, so that's why we didn't go for 100%)

I was planning on getting more exercise in this week, and life happened! I got 2.5 hours in, and that included
which was, of course, this weeks New Exercise Challenge!
And, as planned, I did the dvd at home. REALLY made an effort to do all the exercises. I rarely laugh out loud, but I did that Wednesday morning. Thankful I was not in a class, thankful I don't have a full length mirror in the living room. Thankful I don't have neighbors looking in my windows. And thankful that those 45 minutes were over. I am so uncoordinated on my feet.
I may do it again, but probably not something I'll do regularly.

So this Weeks Mini-Challenge is to drink 3 liters of Water a day.
Since it's getting cooler down here (officially winter now!) I've not been drinking as much water as I should/could be. So, this week, bottom's up!

Have a great week!


  1. Zumba is such the rage now, I have never tried it... I am now a dancing Queen... more of a toad actually :P

  2. Good for you for trying the Zumba DVD! Taking a Zumba class will be part of my "Fitness Fear" challenge....I, too, am rather uncoordinated and I fear that I will look like an idiot in class. Having a home DVD may be the way to go!
    Congrats om the loss too - you are doing it!
    Tracking will help so I am happy to hear that your friends are on board with doing this with you. Power in numbers, I say!

  3. Congrats on the loss! Great job! And, you are so brave for trying Zumba... eek!

  4. You did awesome Casey. I tried the Zumba and will try again but not with a full house of kids. They laughed at me when we did it together.
    Your loss is excellent. I have got to get back on track, starting next Monday I hope. Gotta get this stuff handled here first.
    Take care Casey and have a blessed week. Keep up the great work!!
